issue 7 heal magazine

Heal Magazine issue 7 | Healing out loud

issue 7 heal magazine

This edition is about shining light on issues that are often kept in the dark. By shining a light on these personal narratives, we aim to bring the topic out of the darkness and into the open — where healing can be found.

Inside issue 7:

Short stories | Say something: speaking up in the face of child abuse

Learn about the Something to Say community, founded by Jeremy Indika, to break the silence on childhood abuse. Dive into a collection of stories that are helping break the silence, and spark personal transformation. 

Soulfood | Slow Sunday brunches with a side of tomato eggs

Aline’s go-to egg recipe evokes memories of leisurely Sundays, and cherished family gatherings.

Interview | Tallia Deljou is moving with grace: how one mother is finding peace after loss 

Tallia was kind enough to bring us into this intimate journey of loss. She shares her pregnancy experiences, how she and her husband are turning toward each other in this moment, and the peace she has found beneath her grief. 

Artist in Portrait | Saliah

Saliah, the British-Lebanese electronic music producer and DJ, is slowly taking over the world with her music.  From her electrifying Boiler Room debut to sold-out shows across continents, she infuses her bicultural upbringing into every beat. In this interview, we talked about the challenges and beauty of growing up in the diaspora, how that shapes a person, and how she has managed to find her own voice and identity within it. 

Poem | Joy as resistence 

Elizabeth Sensky shares some heartfelt words about the state of the world 

Healing Music Vol. 7 | Saliah 

Saliah curated this playlist with her top healing tunes that will transport you to a place of joy and transcendence — and probably make you dance a little too.

Jess’ Favorites

In her last written column for Heal Magazine, Jess gives you a first-hand look into the practices and products that always get her day off on the right foot. You may just want to add them into your routine too. 

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Heal Magazine issue 7 | Healing out loud