womens gatherings circle heal

When women gather, they heal: why you should seek out a women’s gathering today. 

womens gatherings circle heal

In our fast-paced technology-driven world, we often miss the deep connections and sacred traditions of the past. Before iPhones and social media, women gathered in sacred rites of passage. Before Zoom rooms, they gathered around a fire. Before books on menstrual cycles, there were Red Tents. It’s time to remember and reconnect.

Despite the convenience and comfort of modern life, many of us feel an undeniable sense that something is missing. The sense of community and support once found in a village has been replaced by disconnection and distraction. This void can be filled by weaving sacred traditions into our modern lives.

Safety unlocks healing

As Gabor Maté said, “Safety is not the absence of threat, it is the presence of connection.”

True healing happens in a safe environment where you can be fully seen, heard, and held.  It’s a beautiful thing to be cracked wide open and allow your armor to fall to the floor; it is deeply connecting and liberating. 

When you share space with other women, the phenomenon of ‘The Observer Effect’ comes into play. By truly seeing each other, women unlock parts of themselves that may have been hidden. This deep connection fosters healing and growth. For this to happen, it’s crucial that gatherings are led by knowledgeable, trauma-informed (and in some cases, culturally relevant) facilitators. Don’t hesitate to ask all the questions you need to ensure you feel safe and supported in these spaces.

Arrive in the room

Women’s gatherings can look and feel very different from room to room, from one facilitator to another, and between the mediums and modalities used to the energy in which they are held.

Embrace the experience fully by leaving expectations and judgments at the door. Trust your instincts and be open to what the gathering offers.

Sharing your stories and using your voice is healing not only for you but for others as well. The vulnerability and truth shared in these spaces become medicine for everyone present. Each gathering is unique, but the potential for deep healing is always present.

What to expect

Prior to any space being opened, consciously choose to leave any and all expectations, judgments and preconceived ideas of what is about to occur at the door. Women’s gatherings can include a variety of activities, such as prayer, somatic expression, chanting, drumming, deep listening, breathwork, cold immersions, dance, and mindful movement. The possibilities are endless, and each experience offers new opportunities for growth and healing. Be there, fully and whole-heartedly, and receptive to what is being initiated and guided while holding discernment and trust for what feels safe and ‘right’ for you. Always trust your gut, your ‘yes’ or  your ‘no’, in any and all moments.

When you step into a space where women gather, healing happens. I encourage you to Join these gatherings to experience the eternal nourishment and profound healing that comes from connecting with other women. Your healing journey will not only benefit you but also those who came before you and those who will follow.

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When women gather, they heal: why you should seek out a women’s gathering today.