issue 01_Heal Magazine

Heal Magazine Issue 01 is now live!

issue 01_Heal Magazine

We are excited to announce the launch of the Heal Magazine app, something that has been in the works for a long time. Now, next to the blog articles on our website and our social content,  we can offer you more in-dept content in the form of video, audio, essays and beautiful art. 

Inside issue 01

  • We connected with Dr. Alfiee to learn more about her mission to decolonize mental health care and break down barriers for people of color.
  • Food blogger Aline Davies shares her special, soul-warming and nourishing pan-fried tofu recipe.
  • Heal Magazine was invited to attend the SEMA Retreat, a global retreat for survivors of wartime sexual violence. During the five day event, survivors from more than 20 countries came together to connect, tell their truths, and seek solutions for themselves and their communities. Our founder Selma shares her experience.
  • We dive into the literature to define emotional intelligence and why it matters.
  • Why you need more than self-care to treat a burnout — and where to start
  • Get access to Healing Music Vol. 1
  • Elizabeth Sensky reflects on being a late bloomer in life: “Then the day came, I officially entered my thirties, and I’ve spent the last year getting used to my new number. It’s been a mixed bag of feelings.”
  • Artist in Portrait: Jeanne K. Simmons
  • Jeanne K Simmons combines land art and body art to make eco sculptures addressing issues concerning humanity and the Earth.
  • Jess’ Favourites
    Nourish with Jess reveals her favorite wellness products

Articles Of The Month

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Heal Magazine Issue 01 is now live!