thinking of you sexual violence
Rachel Corner

Thinking of You: art as a tool for healing and solidarity against sexual violence in conflict

thinking of you sexual violence
Rachel Corner

Recently, I attended a very moving event that highlighted the transformative power of art in addressing and healing from the trauma of sexual violence in conflict. This event showcased “Thinking of You,” a public art installation by Alketa Xhafa Mripa, created in collaboration with the Mukwege Foundation, The Municipality of The Hague, and the Embassy of Kosovo in the Netherlands. In this article, I’ll share a bit more about the event and impact of this remarkable installation.

Event highlights

At the event, survivors bravely shared their stories, highlighting the urgent need to address sexual violence in conflict. Nobel Prize winner Dr. Denis Mukwege delivered a powerful speech, emphasizing that behind each dress, there is a story.

Watch the video

Personally, witnessing the transformative role of art in healing and advocacy left a deep impression on me. Through our 2-part video coverage, you can watch a recap of the event and dive a bit deeper in the survivors and their stories as well as the important work of the Mukwege Foundation.

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Thinking of You: art as a tool for healing and solidarity against sexual violence in conflict