mental health influencers

10 mental health influencers to follow on Instagram in 2022

mental health influencers

Millions of people watch the lives of Instagram influencers every day and although it may seem like harmless entertainment, the content we view can have an effect on our mental health. The new year might be a great time to clean up your Instagram feed; get rid of the accounts that don’t serve your happiness, and add some that can brighten your mood.

Here are our tips for the must follow mental health influencers on Instagram in 2022.

1. Dr. Trinetra Haldar Gummaraju (@trintrin)

When it comes to speaking up about topics that are important, Trintetra is the right person to watch in awe. She is one of India’s first trans woman doctors and a badass activist. Despite the many challenges and backlash faced she continues to speak up and spread love and strength.

2. Danae Mercer (@danaemercer)

Social media can leave us comparing ourselves or even insecure to other people’s carefully curated images. Danae has worked as a magazine editor in chief for years and is here to change the way we look at images online. She shows up exactly how she is, and by doing that she helps us embrace ourselves from every angle.

3. Najwa Zebian (@najwazebian)

Once you follow Najwa you will not scroll past her posts anymore. Her wise words have a way of soothing the soul and connecting you with your inner calm.

4. The Holistic Psychologist (the.holistic.psychologist)

Of course dr Nicole LaPerla can’t be missed in this list. The Holistic Psychologist is transitioning in from a one-woman Instagram account into an actual business that helps thousands of people understand themselves and trauma better, still explained and simplified in a way that hits home every time.

5. Torry Hermann (@torryhermann)

Some people just instantly make you feel at ease and comfortable. Torry is one of those people. Her warmhearted, yet sassy personality is wholesome to watch. Torry takes on relationships, mental health and (Russian) culture in her sketches.

6. Dr Alfiee (@dralfiee)

Dr Alfie preaches light science, and delivers. On her account you’ll find mental health tips, researched advise and motivational words. The authenticity of her posts and direct tone are two of her main selling points.

7. Todd Baratz (@yourdiagnonsense)

Licensed psychotherapist Todd Baratz is the writer behind the Instagram Yourdiagnonsense. He takes on common mental health phrases and tears them apart for the contradictions that they are in the simplest way.

8. Lorin Krenn (@lorinkrenn)

Lorin is a writer and coach. His teachings are mainly focused around intimacy and gender roles. With his writing, he helps us understand masculine & feminine dynamics in relationships and how we can shift them for deeper intimacy.

9. Nedra Glover Tawwab (@nedratawwab)

Nedra is a therapist and NYT bestselling author. In her posts, she dishes out advice on relationships, boundaries and parenting. Nedra helps us finding ways to feel less guilty for saying no, shines a light on the actual growth process of a person and forces you to self-reflect.

10. Danica Gim (@danicagim)

Since Instagram is a visual platform we had to list one of our favorite IG artists here too. Danica’s posts are a combination of poetry and illustrations, she also makes candles and created a beautiful journal.

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10 mental health influencers to follow on Instagram in 2022