The founding story of Heal Magazine

It has been 3 months since the launch of Heal Magazine! A beautiful milestone and the perfect moment to formally introduce myself. My name is Selma and I am the founder of Heal Magazine. It might seem a bit silly celebrating a three-month anniversary, but for me, launching this magazine has been a very long process.

For some context, here is a little about me:

I was born in Morocco and moved to Amsterdam when I was 3 years old where I was raised by my grandmother.  As a kid I was always with my nose in books, learning about life way beyond my little world, a real dreamer. When I wasn’t reading, I was observing people and trying to figure out how people are and why they act like they do. I always thought I would become a writer or poet.

I ended up working in marketing and tech. Telling the stories of brands. Always busy and a real go-getter. In my free time I started a blog with a friend around subjects we were interested in. We decided to call it Nul, a place for balance. Due to our busy schedules we did not have the time to build it any further, but the vision for Nul stayed in my mind.

2 years ago, I made a switch. I stopped working for fast marketing companies and started working as a freelance content strategist and marketer for non-profit organisations.

Around the same time when making the switch, I was also working on myself emotionally and physically; I was diagnosed with PCOS, a hormonal imbalance. This resulted in me finding a deep interest in nutrition to improve my hormonal health. Emotionally, I found healing in psychology, therapy and reiki.

I noticed that there is not one thing you can do to heal yourself. It is a combination of many things and is deeply personal and thus unique. This journey became more of a path of self-discovery.

Heal Magazine

The fascination about how mind and body actually work, together with my infatuation for people and their stories resulted in me starting this magazine. Heal Magazine is where my entrepreneurial skills meet my love for storytelling and healing. Here you can find insightful articles about our inward lives, bodywork, mood-boosting recipes, and vulnerable stories.

In a world where vulnerability is often seen as weakness, leaving people suffering and longing for connection and meaning, my goal is to create a space where people can come together, gain insights, tell stories and find tools to live more authentically and deeply.

I am already very proud of what this passion project is becoming and want to thank you for taking the time to engage. If you have a question, suggestion or want to create something together; feel free to reach out to me here.

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The founding story of Heal Magazine